Jan 19, 2025  
2022-2023 Rivier University Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Rivier University Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity Management (Day)

The Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity Management is designed to prepare undergraduates with the knowledge and hands-on experience to gain employment in the cybersecurity management field or to pursue an advanced degree.  Cybersecurity is increasingly important to society at every level - individuals and families, small firms and organizations, large corporations and not-for-profits, and government, both domestically and internationally. To prepare students for work in these varied areas, the cybersecurity management program provides a structured curriculum with coursework not only in cybersecurity, but also in business management, computer science, and homeland and international security. Through this multi-disciplinary, holistic approach, students will (1) gain analytical and problem-solving skills, (2) become competent professionals through hands-on learning, (3) be able to recognize enterprise security risks and develop defensive strategies, and (4) aspire to be leaders in an ever-growing industry of security technologies and their management.

The cybersecurity management program embeds critical thinking skills, decision-making related to technology issues, effective communication skills, and legal, ethical, and social sustainability perspectives. In addition, the program provides a solid foundation in the liberal arts through a general education curriculum, management skills from a core of business courses, and experiential learning opportunities, including internships. The program prepares individuals to enter the workforce in entry-level analytical positions and supervisory roles leading to management.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Apply creativity to assess and address security threats across the cyber domain by designing and implementing effective security architectures, policies, and procedures.
  • Think logically, analytically and creatively about complex, contemporary, local and global problems.
  • Assess and communicate effectively in a range of progressively more challenging strategic business environments.
  • Determine personal and social responsibility in response to new settings and complex problems.
  • Understand and apply learning to the diversity and complexity of human relationships involved in an organization. 
  • Compare and contrast the social, ethical, and global responsibilities within management positions with special attention to the Catholic social teaching.

Related Homeland/International Security Management Courses

General Education Requirements (42-45 credits)

Associated with General Core

Who is My Neighbor?  Students explore this question in their second and third years.(6 credits)

  • HUM200 Literature, Art, and the Human Credits: 3
    Students take one -200 level interdisciplinary course that addresses a basic human question from the perspectives of the literary, visual, and musical arts.
  • HIS203 Interactions: The West in the World I Credits: 3 or
  • HIS204 Interactions: The West in the World II Credits: 3

How Shall We Live? Students explore this question in their junior and senior years. (6 credits)

  • Religion: Faith, Religion, and Social Justice Credits: 3
    Students take one Religion course developed with this theme at its center.
  • Philosophy: Ethics, Values, and Moral Choices Credits: 3
    Students take one Philosophy course developed with this theme at its center.

What, then, Shall We Do?  Students explore this question in their junior or senior year. (3 credits)

  • Capstone: Justice and Global Responsibility Credits: 3
    Students take one of a number of offerings under Justice and Global Responsibility. This seminar serves as the culmination of the Common Core. Informed by problem-solving pedagogy, this seminar enhances the student’s connection with the Catholic vision of the University by focusing on justice and global responsibility.

Area Distribution Courses: The Core Complement
Humanities and Social Sciences (6 credits)

  • One course from: English, History, Modern Language, Philosophy, Religious Studies Credits: 3
  • One course from: Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology Credits: 3

Mathematics and Natural Sciences (6 credits)

  • One course in Mathematics:  MA112 College Algebra or above Credits: 3
  • One course from: Computer Science, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, or Physical Science Credits: 3-4

Culture through Language (6 credits)
Students must demonstrate university-level introductory competency in a language other than English.


Minimum 12 credits

Degree Requirements (Minimum): 120 credits